
Reclaim Your Energy

For today’s Mental Fitness practice, I want to challenge you to put yourself first and set an alarm every hour for the next 8 hours. When that alarm goes off, do one set of PQ reps of your choosing and ask yourself, “On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being ‘Totally Empty’ and […]

A Practice for the Waning of the Year

I had every intention of posting a juicy Moon Magic message, with tarot insights, Samhain season supports and more, but I’m getting a strong urge to check in with you about your mental fitness practice.  How are you doing? Are your thoughts and your brilliant, beautiful mind working with you vs. against you? Even if […]

Time to Dream Up “Work”

This weekend we prepare for one of my favorite non-astrological events: daylight savings time! The ultimate in time travel, I love how this practice reminds us that Time is a social construct. We can gain or lose an hour just because we planned it that way.  It’s amusing, our attempts to outsmart nature so that […]

New Moon Contemplations: Scorpio Season

As we welcome this New Moon in Scorpio, I’m reminded that while the Moon’s cycles are constant, the Moon’s energies shift and change with each sign it visits.  This is not a chill New Moon. In fact, designing hopeful intentions at this time may be less auspicious than exploring intentions that reflect getting in right-relationship […]

Watch Out for the Judge!

Have you been noticing the activity of your inner Judge lately? Any critique of yourself, other people, and/or your situation? The skill of this universal saboteur is that it’ll masquerade as discernment, rational thinking, or even self-protection/care, and yet if the energy leaves you feeling defensive, disconnected, and generally worn out, it’s the Judge.  For […]

Inner Cache of Treasure

The latest edition of the “Of Light & Shadows” newsletter went out yesterday and it’s packed with prompts and reflections for this Dark Moon season of the year.  Use as you find useful. There is a seasonal quieting that happens now, a settling into where and who you are, and you have good discernment to […]

Samhain, Sun and Saturn

In the Celtic calendar, these next three days leading up to Samhain make up the Thirteenth Month, a ‘make-up month’ that mathematically re-sets our solar/lunar calendar. We are in the betwixt-and-between phase of the Wheel of the Year. We prepare to enter the Shadows. This is a time when we find the end in the […]

An Open Letter to My Second-Original Witch Club on our 5 Year Anniversary

I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately, with so much fondness and appreciation for your part in being with me 5 years ago this weekend, at Samhain, when I revived Witch Club after a long 40+ year slumber. What started as an ardent – but quickly thwarted – dream when I was 6 years […]

Mental Fitness and Your Spark

At its core, our Mental Fitness practice is about how we experience our energy, spark and vitality. Do we feel depleted or energized by life? Are we drawing forth our greatest gifts and strengths or do we have to slog through just to show up every day? Today, set a timer for 9am, Noon and […]

Samhain Prep

I walked home in the dark last night and for the first time in my 21 years in Denver, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time. Fear. I wasn’t far from home. It wasn’t even late yet. But it was dark. In a city covered in light pollution, this darkness struck me […]

The Call

There are two magical elements I’d like to share, and while my natal Mercury in Scorpio means that I tend to communicate best in the shadows, I trust that those who would find value in the following, will. 1. On the other side of the Full Moon’s crescendo last Wednesday, we work with the waning […]

Accept or Convert

As the October Full Moon in Aries illuminates the night, let the magic wash over you and restore your sense of wonder and awe. This is a potent time of year, and there are many energies at play. Wonder and awe are Sage powers that help keep the daily scratchy details in perspective. I was […]

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Navigate your life by the Moon and Stars.

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