I just wanted to check-in and see how you’re doing. This has not been an easy month astrologically, and egos, defenses, and tempers (your own and those of the people you surround yourself with) may continue to flare up. How are you finding your center, your tender heart? What brings you relief in the heat […]
The theme of Cancer season is Love, and it shows up in the Moon and stars as well as our daily mental fitness practice. Love underpins all of the Sage powers and the Sage perspective – the ability to see the gift or opportunity in any challenge we face. The astrology reminds us that this […]
In our mental fitness practice, we learn that our survival brain amplifies the negative by at least 3 times in order to help us remember and avoid danger. To counter this, we need to meet every one negative thought and interaction with three positive ones in order to neutralize the impact – on ourselves and […]
Happy Capricorn Full Moon! With reliable certainty, the Moon reaches its monthly phase of fullness and we pause to appreciate our ability to manifest. What have you built for yourself? What is now coming to bloom in your life? If you have a dedicated Moon Journaling practice, you might check back and see what you […]
Yesterday I have a very visceral (and public) experience of a saboteur hijacking. I wanted to share a few key learnings: 1. A regular PQ/meditation practice does not mean that you’ll never get hijacked by negative emotions and difficult mental states. It means that you’ll recover faster. 2. If you find yourself beating yourself up […]
In all my years working with the wilderness as a guide and teacher, I’ve never lost that longing to commune with the secrets of the natural world. Whether observing the ways that a might pine is shaped by the urgings of the wind or reading ancient stories in the stars, the connection and learning here […]
I have been cautioned about the business-sense of using the word “magic” in my offerings. If you’ve spent any time on my website, you’ll know that I embrace this perspective wholeheartedly, as an authentic aspect of who I am. For over 30 years, I’ve been practicing a functional sort of “magic” as defined by Dion […]