Today is an especially good day to tune into your inner Sage and allies and lean on these evergreen resources within you to shine a light on lurking saboteur activity. We’re in the heart of mid-winter and the ambiguity of the pandemic, coupled with premature mandate lifting, can leave us all feeling frayed, frazzled, restless, […]
I just started reading The Journey of Soul Initiation by Bill Plotkin and within the first few pages, my own soul is already nourished. He writes about how the Cocoon is both tomb (for the caterpillar) and womb (for the butterfly). This made me think about how midwinter can feel on our tender emotions – […]
Welcome to the official midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox! On the Wheel of the Year, we’ve reached Imbolc, the cross-quarter holiday where we connect with the precious fires that fuel our creative passion and our will to re-emerge. You might feel a bit of discomfort in the form of restless mental […]
How will you work with all the “new” energy greeting you today? What in your life would you like to approach with a fresh start? What dreams and intentions do you commit yourself to in the year ahead? With Mercury still in retrograde until Thursday, you can maximize this time to reflect on what sparks […]
Hello, Bright Spirit! Hope you’re enjoying a dazzling winter day, whether that comes to you as sun sparkling on snow, leaves deepening their color on trees, and/or a spark lighting up your heart. Wednesday is Mercury’s Day and while this planet continues its retrograde, consider doing a small act or ritual that honors your mind. […]
Both Venus and Mercury are now in full-on retrograde and we have an opportunity to reflect on what we hold personal and dear. Here are a few journal/reflection questions to check in with yourself and calibrate your precious energy to an optimal setting for yourself: * What am I noticing about my energy at this […]
In Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown quotes Harriet Lerner in her section on Calm: “Intensity and reactivity only breed more of the same. Calm is also contagious. Nothing is more important than getting a grip on your own reactivity.” Do you agree? I’m not sure about the ‘nothing is more important’ part, although I […]
One of the benefits of being a Morning Person is that I get to watch the Full Moon set in the western sky. There was a beautiful glowing-red corona around the orb yesterday morning, and today the passing clouds enhanced the sense of mystery and wonder. How are you experiencing this beautiful Full Moon in […]
I spent the last two weeks inviting and being open to witnessing people where they are in the moment. I experimented in my professional role to go so far as to ask, “what are. you carrying right now that feels hard? good?” These questions might seem to be leading, but the world is in some […]
Tuesdays are governed by Mars, and today, Mars – our ego and sense of self – is squaring off exactly with Neptune – our sense of oneness with all things. This is not an easy energy. We might feel super sensitive, defensive, demoralized. Other planets and aspects add to some extra heavy energy, all in […]
Hope 2022 is filling your heart with joy and hope. I’ve been unplugged for about 10 days and feel so refreshed and ready to dive into this New Year with you xo 2022 is a “6” year in numerology, which I interpret through the Tarot, which makes it a Year of The Lovers. Yes, please! […]
One thing I took away from last week’s Seasonal Magic celebration of Solstice was the clear sense that community makes us stronger. For some, a community of one other may be all we need; for others, small, medium, and large groups of diverse and divergent members fill our cup. Whatever it is for you, I […]