
Mind Magic


Posted February 12th, 2021

I have been cautioned about the business-sense of using the word “magic” in my offerings. If you’ve spent any time on my website, you’ll know that I embrace this perspective wholeheartedly, as an authentic aspect of who I am. For over 30 years, I’ve been practicing a functional sort of “magic” as defined by Dion Fortune: “the art of changing consciousness at will.” To put it even more succinctly, magic is the art of becoming conscious. Awake. Intentional about how we choose to direct our energy.

There’s something very practical, healthy and whole about approaching one’s life in this way, wouldn’t you agree?

I also embrace mystery. I believe that the ability to wonder, to look up at a sky-ful of stars and just dream, is an essential part of being human. I also believe “energy” is something we may not be able to quantify universally but we all know when we ‘have’ it and when we don’t.

There are tools in my coaching toolkit that speak to both this sense of wonder and energetic nourishment as well as the practice of becoming more intentional, so that we experience the positive and affirming results we seek in our everyday lives.

One of the most efficient ways to bridge the practical with the energetic that I’ve found to date is the mental fitness training developed by Shirzad Chamine. This is based on his work described in the book, Positive Intelligence. Mental fitness coaching helps you identify and intercept your sabotaging behaviors, strengthen your inner wisdom and build your self-command muscle. If you’re finding it easier to default to the negative – like most humans do! – this work will help you access a positive mindset, where your greatest resourcefulness resides. I’m offering info sessions throughout the year. Check out my Events page for more information on the next 6-week Mental Fitness Challenge. I look forward to sharing this great work with you!

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