
Moon Magic: The Void of the Void


Posted December 3rd, 2021

Today we are in the heart of the Void – the final Dark Moon in the Season of Shadows. The void in the void.

What’s that like for you?

Finding words for this liminal space – this betwixt-and-between – can be challenging. If this is true for you, your job is to sit in active, observant silence and just trust that the wordlessness is creating space for something new.

You might find that the void actually brings you closer to your biggest goals and higher purpose in life. Again, you may not be able to put it in a sentence just yet but you sense that clarity is incoming.

And you might just be experiencing a state of nothingness. The truest meaning of “void” is empty space. That itself can bring up feelings of anxiousness and/or feelings of expansiveness. 

Today we can observe how it is that we occupy the void, trusting that there is deep wisdom in this time.

There’s still time to join us for tonight’s *Moon Magic Monthly: New Moon Solar Eclipse Special* from 6:30-7:30 pm/MST. $13. We’ll honor this time by navigating through the dark together and connecting with where this powerful lunation is touching our specific birth charts. Go here to register.

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