—Pema Chödrön
Copyright © 2025 Lisa Olcese
I walked home in the dark last night and for the first time in my 21 years in Denver, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time.
I wasn’t far from home. It wasn’t even late yet. But it was dark. In a city covered in light pollution, this darkness struck me as odd. While I know the city like the back of my hand, there were moments when I didn’t have my bearings.
Only hours before this walk, I was mapping out my intentions for Samhain and what this cross-quarter sabbat truly means: we prepare to enter the void. And we’ll know when we’re in the void if we feel two things:
Afraid + Lost
The void is the threshold to deepening our relationship with our power, with the Divine. There is no avoiding it, although we might try to do just that.
Without a practice or a deliberate way to engage with our tools and guides, we might feel afraid and lost. Our whole lives. We might not be entirely conscious of this except when it erupts in big or little ways – difficult relationships, nagging challenges, unmet dreams.
At Samhain, the veil between the worlds is thin and we have palpable access to our ancestors and other spirit helpers as we make this essential journey. This week, take the time to prepare:
1. Gather your tools. Start by calling back your energy – from outworn relationships, tiresome jobs, and tasks, addictive behaviors. You might find that your ‘tools’ are all internal. You might also find it useful to consider the intermediaries of your own magic – tarot, wand, stone, candle, incense, oils, etc. If you only had the Fool’s satchel (which, in itself, is a wand with a bag of magic tied to its end), what would you take with you? What supports you in accessing your inner power, your most vibrant magic?
2. Release your burdens. As you call back your energy, you may find that you’ve had energetic cords connecting you to people, places and habits of thought or action that no longer serve you. What will you leave behind? What are you ready to relinquish, even if for the 51 days between Samhain and Yule?
3. Connect with your Ancestors. Who helped you be fully and completely You? Call on your Ancestors – they may have been flawed in human form but as Spirit Guides, they stand with you in expressing your own Divine Nature. Find a photo/s of your beloveds. Make a special altar in their honor. Give them thanks, and humbly request that they accompany you on your Night’s Journey.
The Journey into the Shadows begins on Samhain. The Light will return at Yule. In preparation this week, focus on where your energy is and has been. Call it back. Gather your tools and travel light, trusting that your Ancestors will be with you even when you might feel afraid, lost, and very, very alone.
While we must walk this leg of the journey alone, we are not alone in our journeying. Find comfort and power in knowing that we must all face the Dark Night of the Soul on the path of wholeness and healing. May you journey with faith in yourself and with the knowledge that you are truly, deeply loved.
While I’ll be on my own journey, I’ll also be here holding space for you.
PS If you haven’t already, please let me know by Wednesday at noon if you would like to join the unadvertised **Witch Club: Samhain Special** this Saturday from 10-11:30am. Details will be provided via email to all those who respond.