—Pema Chödrön
Copyright © 2025 Lisa Olcese
With the full-stop arrival of COVID-19, so much has happened in our collective experience in just one Moon cycle. How are you doing today? For many, the best we can do is to take things day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath.
The Earth and all of life are in a pivotal, massive moment of recalibration.
The Vernal Equinox last Thursday reminded us that true balance happens just twice, in Spring and Fall, and yet during the other 363 days/year, we continue to seek equilibrium. This seeking is a dance between our light and our shadows. It can feel like chaos. No rhythm. Not sure who’s leading or who’s following.
And still, we’ve been preparing for this moment. Our ancestors have prepared us for this moment. They knew how to survive and be resilient. And how do I know this for sure?
Because we’re still here. And we have each other.
And now, Aries Season has arrived. Something courageous and new is dancing itself into being.
First, on Dancing with Fear:
“You cannot chase fear out. You can only bring love in.” Liz Gilbert, in her beautiful message on Insight Timer (which you can listen to here), suggests that we write a love letter to our fear from our own loving, vibrant Wise One. What words of comfort do you need to tell yourself? I’m adding this to my Daily Practice, which includes a list of 10 things I’m grateful for and now a short love letter to my fear (which is present on the regular at this moment).
Next, on Dancing with Aries
Aries reinforces our independence. At a time that yearns for our interdependence, what’s authentic for you about your own experience? Sometimes we might feel like we have to have it all together before we show up for others. Or that we shouldn’t feel grief or fear or despair because so many other people are suffering. Please put these ‘shoulds’ aside, just for today, and write about what’s true for you. Your unique experience is part of the whole and deserves all the love, attention and support you can find (from yourself and others).
Finally, on Dancing with Each Other
Besides stepping outside, scheduling your days with lots of face time and simply being-with your emotions, here are a few other ways to take care of yourself and each other:
Moon Magic Monthly is free! Join our monthly virtual journaling circle for intention-setting, magic-making and even more guided journal prompts at each New Moon. Go here to find out about our next M3.
I will continue to offer my Transformational Coaching services on a sliding scale as long as I am able. And we’re running a marathon, to be sure, so contact me for more information on how I can support you through the process.
We are strong. We are tender. We are human. We are connected.
Let’s keep dancing.
We got this.