—Pema Chödrön
Copyright © 2025 Lisa Olcese
How did you experience the Pisces Full Moon? Is a big dream coming to fruition? Or maybe you were awash in your emotions? Whatever and however you find yourself during this lunation, you might notice there’s a lot of ‘extra’ right now. Jupiter is conjunct (next to) the Moon, which we see in the night sky as a lovely, bright star. Even in places (like Denver) where light pollution has obscured our access to the Milky Way, much less a night filled with stars, most of us can at least see these gorgeous celestial gems side by side from wherever we might be.
When Jupiter visits the Moon or any planet, we can expect the energies to be expansive. What feels all-embracing and ample in your life right now? What’s expanding? What is the bounty that you’re harvesting?
For some, it could be a crazy proliferation of zucchini in our gardens – and all from a single seed! Or an expansion of good fortune, friends, opportunities. For others, it could be *too much* of something – work, people, solitude, eating, drinking, gaming…something that we might experience as more challenging.
As we enter the last day of Summer, we’re faced with this edge, where Bounty meets Over-Much.
This is why burnout may feel so palpable right now. We become acutely aware of an energy drain, that we’ve given more than we’ve had the ability to receive and replenish, even in areas of our lives that feel ‘good’ – like family, relationship, work, and exercise. Our energies have swung to an end of the pendulum and we feel that fullness. Now the magic is in the recalibration, the return to Center.
Welcome, Equinox!
Today, practice this simple walking meditation: go outside and notice where you see ‘plenty.’ Is it the overgrown Silver Lace Vine that’s climbing onto your neighbor’s fence? Is it the gigantic mushroom that appeared as if from nowhere under a tree by the garbage cans? A tree that’s impossibly tall? A cluster of flowers that, as they die, send out a million tiny seeds? Notice what you notice. And whether you’re facing the challenges of burnout and overwhelm or you’re celebrating the manifestation of a long-held dream, ask nature, “What does this teach me about my energy right now? What can I learn from this?”
Hold the question lightly and focus less on finding the answer and more on being present with how your life is reflected in the cycles of the season.
If it supports your journey, share what you discover. I’d love to hear from you!