
You Are A Jedi in Training


Posted September 20th, 2021

Burnout and transitions can feel bumpy! And for some of us, each bump can feel like an open invitation for saboteurs to barge in. For today’s practice, use your saboteur energy as a wake-up call to energize your Sage. Focus on the Sage perspective and *find the gift and opportunity* in each challenge you face. 

How do you do this?

Notice your body – your butt in the chair, your feet on the floor. How does your breath find its way through your nose, neck, torso? Remember, “oh yeah! I’m in a body!!” Then add some PQ reps of your choice.

Your awareness of saboteur activity is the first step in deepening your own positive intelligence. Don’t get upset with your saboteur! Use the energy to wake up your Sage, occupy your sweet body, and do some PQ reps.

You are a Jedi in Training. You’re doing great!


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