—Pema Chödrön
Copyright © 2025 Lisa Olcese
Happy Libra Season! With last week’s Equinox came the shift from devoted, earthy Virgo to diplomatic, social Libra. Libra draws our attention to our relationships and how we engage with our networks. An air sign ruled by Venus, Libra is less focused on the emotional aspects of relating and more on how our connections reflect our values, and how we appreciate and learn from the gifts and opportunities within every interaction.
Mercury is now retrograde in this sign so the next three weeks offer us a great opportunity to review our satisfaction in relationships. Is the energetic exchange working for you? This is not a time to push back or call out – Mercury retrograde in Libra asks us to find the flow and call each other into deep and authentic re-engagement.
How do you want people to remember you when you leave the room? What energetic imprint indicates, “I was here” for you? There are a lot of other transits affecting this retrograde this week, and Mars has a key role. While Libra is more concerned about the collective, this sign also calls us to be a force for good. Mars is an interesting ally – the Red Planet may urge us to push and can draw out our tendency to over-personalize everything. This can confound the energies of Mercury retrograde and add fuel to situations that call for delicate diplomacy. At the same time, Mars can lend an energetic boost to Libra’s almost paralyzing consideration of all sides. At some point, we have to act. But for the next three weeks, it’s best to gather data. Watch for this dynamic tension and channel that Martian energy into your breath, your present-moment awareness, and your thoughtful choice of words.
In fact, take many deep breaths during Libra Season! Let the element of Air move through you and help inform how you reconnect with and refortify the people in your sphere. Re-root in your values and seek out people who see and love you as you are.
Happy Moon Day!